Project EduConnect

The EduConnect project is designed to connect teachers and students Anywhere

01 / PROJECT Persona

Personas are fictional users whose goals and characteristics represent the needs of a larger group of users.

Mr. George - Math Teacher
Noa - Middle School Student

02 / User Journey Map

User journey is the series of experiences a user has as they achieve a specific goal.

As a Math Teacher

I want to quickly and accurately review and grade math assignments

So that I can provide more constructive feedback and support to my students

User Journey Map

03 / Competitive Audit

The competitive audit explores EduConnect competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.

It presents the results of this analysis for design team and stakeholders in a competitive audit report.

04 / Story Board

Persona: Mr.George - the Math Teacher

Scenario: A digital homework management system that enables teachers to create, distribute, collect, grade, and provide feedback on assignments.

Mr. George's desk
Mr. George’s desk is messy with papers. He looks worried about homework.
EduConnect app discovery
Mr. George discovers EduConnect app on his computer. He is surprised and excited.
EduConnect app discovery
Mr. George is happy to use template and question banks from the app.
EduConnect app discovery
Mr. George assigns the homework to students works on tablets electronically.
EduConnect app discovery
All students' homework is submitted through the app for progress check.
EduConnect app discovery
Mr. George happily finds student’s performance improved.

05 / Low-Fidelity Prototype

A low-fidelity prototype is a simple and often quick visualization of a product or feature.

It typically used in the early stages of design to explore concepts and facilitate user testing. This type of prototype usually lacks detail and does not function, focusing instead on layout and flow.

User Journey Map

06 / High-Fidelity Prototype

A high-fidelity prototype is an interactive and detailed model of a product, closely resembling the final version in aesthetics, functionality, and design.

It's used for more accurate user testing and stakeholder demonstrations, providing a realistic experience of how the end product will look and behave.